Canadian Optimist Junior Golf, its members, spectators, and guest, will adhere to RCGA rules. Canadian Optimist Junior Golf may also be referred to as the Optimist Committee.
Local rules can also be published and placed into effect for individual tournaments as needed.
All decisions and rulings made by the Committee are final.
- 1.001 The “Committee” is the committee in charge of the competition or, if the matter does not arise in a competition, the committee in charge of the course.
- 2.001 Violations of the Code of Conduct include but are not limited to the following:
- a. Use of tobacco, tobacco products or alcohol before, during or after competition. Use of tobacco, tobacco products or alcohol on the competition site is included in this rule.
- b. Use of illegal substances before, during or after competition. Use of illegal substances on the competition site is included in this rule.
- c. Disrespect of volunteers, officials and/or course personnel.
- d. Abuse of Golf Course, Clubhouse and/or any Club or course facilities.
- e. Non-raked bunkers.
- f. Improper deposit of trash. Trash implies anything that is not part of the course or the facilities.
- g. Abusive and/or vulgar language is strictly prohibited.
- h. Throwing a golf club, etc.
- i. Vandalism of the golf course, Clubhouse and/or any Club or course facilities.
- j. Cheating.
- 2.002 Violations of the Code of Conduct will result in a Two Stroke penalty, Disqualification, or removal of Optimist Junior Golf Member privileges if deemed appropriate by the Committee.
- 3.001 All play shall be governed by RCGA Rules and its decisions; and where applicable, by local rules, conditions, and defilements, subject to changes by the Committee . Decisions of the Committee are final.
- 3.002 Competition is considered to have closed when all players have submitted their scorecards to the Official Scorer and the results are officially announced.
- 3.003 Protest of any contest and/or tournament is not allowed. Decisions of the Committee and/or Tournament Director are final.
- 4.001 RCGA Rule states, in part: “The player shall play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines which may be laid down by the Committee .
- 4.002 For the purpose of preventing slow play, the Committee may, in the conditions of a competition lay down pace of play guidelines including maximum periods of time allowed to complete a stipulated round, hole or stroke.
The Optimist Junior Golf Committee requires all spectators to adhere to a set of guidelines known as the Spectator Code of Conduct. Its purpose is to allow Optimist Junior Golf players to compete on a level playing field with other competitors. It will also promote the game of golf and help our players grow and mature by understanding and accepting the consequences of their actions. The Spectator Code of Conduct will be in effect during all tournament rounds
- 5.001 Spectators are welcome and encouraged to watch their junior golfer. All spectators are to stay in back or ahead of the group they are watching at a distance of 50 yards in the rough. On the course means, “from first tee to completion of play and until the junior golfer has turned in his/her score card”.
- 5.002 Spectators are not permitted to communicate with any junior golfer during competition. You may clap and encourage the junior player.
- 5.003 Carts are not available to spectators for all practice and tournament rounds (no exceptions).
- 5.004 Disrespect or abuse of volunteers or officials will not be tolerated.
- 5.005 When on the course, turn off cell phones or turn ringers to the silent or vibrate mode.
- 5.006 Penalties: Spectators committing an infraction will be instructed to leave the playing area.
- 6.001 ” Advice” is any counsel or suggestion which could influence a player in determining his play, the choice of a club or the method of making a stroke. Information on the Rules or on matters of public information such as position of hazards or the flagstick on the putting green, is not advice.
- 6.002 No players, parents or spectators shall be allowed to coach or give advice to any player who is competing during play.
- 7.001 The use of caddies is prohibited.
- 8.001 The use of motorized carts is prohibited.
- 8.002 Pull carts are permitted for use by all age groups.
- 8.003 No player is allowed to ride in a power cart during competition. On occasion the Tournament Director and/or Committee may allow transport of players.
- 8.004 Spectators will not be permitted to use carts.
- 9.001 Scorecards are to be exchanged in all divisions . Each player should verify his/her score and that of their opponents after each hole and prior to next tee box. It is advised by the Committee that each player verify their score prior to signing their scorecard.
- 9.002 Scorecards are to be verified with assigned scorekeeper, if available, before the start of the next hole.
- 9.003 Parents are not permitted to become involved with the scoring of any player in any division.
- 9.004 Any player that does not turn in a scorecard will be scored as NC (not completed) and not permitted to compete in the next event.
- 9.005 All scorecards must be signed by both players and scorekeeper, where appropriate, prior to turning scorecard in to a Tournament Official.
- 10.001 Players are to report to the golf course 60 minutes prior to their assigned tee-time, and report to the Starter 10 minutes prior to their starting times.
- 10.002 Any player that arrives 5 minutes after starting time will be assessed a two-stroke penalty.
- 10.003 Any player arriving at the tee after his assigned group has left the green shall be classed as NS (No Show) and disqualified.
11. TIES
- 11.001 Ties for first place will be determined by a hole-by-hole playoff weather and/or daylight permitting. A playoff will be held beginning on the hole designated by a tournament official.
- 11.002 Tie breaking format, for all other scores, will be determined by G.A.O tie breaking policy.(best back 9, thence best score on last 6 holes, thence best score on last 3 holes, thence best score on last hole).
- 11.003 In the event that weather and/or lack of proper daylight for play, prohibits a play-off or putt-off, a scorecard playoff will occur beginning with the #1 handicap hole and continuing with required handicapped holes as needed to determine the winner or other places.
- 12.001 All players are to dress as required by the hosting golf course.
- 12.002 All spectators are to dress as required by the hosting golf course.
- 12.003 Local Rule: All players are required to wear the following:
- a. Golf shirts. Shirts must remain tucked in.
- b. Pants and/or shorts must be worn at proper height and secured by a belt.
- c. Soft spikes
- d. Hats must be properly worn with hat-bill facing forward.
- All players are not permitted to wear the following:
- a. Cut-off shorts, short shorts.
- b. Tee shirts
- e. Tank tops
- f. Halter tops
- g. Denim shorts or jeans
- h. Short shorts
- i. Metal spikes
- j. Bare midriff tops
- k. Head phones
- I. Cell phones and/or pagers
- J. Any reference to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs or other illegal substance or substance deemed inappropriate by the Committee on any piece of clothing and/or jewelry.
- 12.004 Any violation of any part of the Dress Code will result in the player not permitted to play until infraction is corrected and possible disqualification from the tournament.
13. Equipment:
- 13.001 All equipment (including golf balls) must conform to RCGA standards. Before starting play, ensure that you have placed an identifying mark on your golf ball.
- 13.002 A player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. However, if during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his/her play (e.g. gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3 for which the penalty is DISQUALIFICATION regardless of whether any such additional functions are actually used.
- 14.001 Players are permitted to withdraw from any tournament 5 days prior to the event, subject to a $20 administration fee. .
- 14.002 No refunds because of inclimate weather.